Deluxe Home and Pet Sitters to Receive SBA 504 Loan To Assist in Expansion and Facility Improvements

NEDCO is pleased to before-picannounce that Lori Tackett, owner of Deluxe Home and Pet Sitters is expanding and improving her facility located at 2205 Highway 2 in Lincoln, Nebraska. The project will allow her to expand her dog boarding and grooming operations.

Lori Tackett has owned and operated Deluxe Home and Pet Sitters since 2007 giving her a great deal of experience. The business offers very affordable in-home pet sitting, dog boarding and dog grooming. On-site is a dog hotel that offers comforting rooms for the dogs instead of kennels making their stay very enjoyable.

after-picThe new, improved modern facility will offer a large fenced outdoor play area for the dogs to exercise and socialize with other dogs.

Scott Sailors, President of NEDCO stated,“We are very excited about this project as we all know how much our pets mean to us. Lori has a great track record here in Lincoln with pet care services, and I encourage everyone needing these services to contact her.”

Learn more about Deluxe Home and Pet Sitters at